Disability Insurance (DI) is one of those things most people don’t know much about. It’s not as common as life, health or even car insurance, but it is very important to have. For starters, you need to be currently working to be approved for Disability Insurance.
Work Now, Be Covered Later
Disability Insurance has benefits and covers people who are insured with DI. The best time to get Disability Insurance (DI) is when you are working, have a steady income or to cover expenses that your paycheck would normally cover. By purchasing your policy while working and healthy, you are investing in the future if you are ever unable to work. Reasons may be due to:
- A car accident
- Broken limbs
- Disorders
- Mental health issue
- Sporting injury
- Others.
I’m Not currently working, can I get Disability insurance?
If you are not currently working or are currently dealing with issues that prevent you from working, you will not be able to invest in Disability Insurance. You may have to wait until you are fully recovered and back to work for a set period of time before talking to a Disability Insurance advisor and applying for coverage.
For more info on Disability Insurance, contact one of our experienced Insurance Agents from our Agent Locator Page below.